Here at Siena, we kicked off our first few weeks with a community BBQ and school tours for our families, guided by our student school leaders and teachers. It was a wonderful way for our community to meet one another and experience our wonderful facilities. The students and staff also attended a welcome Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral hosted by Fr. Justin. Students sung joyfully and listened to how they can be followers of Jesus, people of compassion, kindness and courage.
Siena Catholic Primary School opened its doors in 2017 with just one building, starting with approximately 72 students. Now in its fifth year, we have 230 wonderful students and close to 30 passionate staff. We now have 4 buildings which boast inviting and interactive learning spaces. Our facilities continue to grow and develop as our school population does. At present our Multi-Purpose room is being doubled in size. The work on this should be completed mid-year. We will also begin work on landscaping the remainder of the school grounds this year.
Our learning spaces share operable doors between classrooms providing the option to work collaboratively with other classes. We have an amphitheatre, breakout booths and several smaller spaces for student groups to work together or autonomously. iPads are provided to our junior students, (F-Yr 2), while our middle and senior students (Yrs 3-6) enjoy using their own laptop which helps to prepare them for secondary school.
Our large outdoor play space caters for all interests in children; sport on the synthetic turf using the basketball/netball rings and soccer nets, two playgrounds and sand pits, hop-scotch and down ball courts, mud kitchen, community school gardens and compost area, a lush grass area for quieter play with picnic tables and trees, and quiet seating around a rose garden.
As a Catholic school we pride ourselves on inclusion of all, welcoming students from a diverse range cultures and backgrounds. St Catherine of Siena provides our school community with an outstanding role model as we flourish in a faith based educational community. All Siena students know the 3 B’s: Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be Responsible. These were derived from the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support program. A framework for preventing and responding to student behaviour, SWPBS promotes a positive school climate, a culture of student competence and an open, responsive management system for all.
Enrolments are now open for Foundation (Prep) students starting school in 2022. Please visit the Enrolments tab on our website: and apply before the close date, 10 May. We welcome anyone with enquiries to email or call 5334 3096 during school hours.
We look forward to a wonderful year of learning, growing and flourishing as a community at Siena.