What first started as a concern has ended in our families coming together to support our homeless community.
Oliver came to kinder a few weeks ago and said to Jodi his educator “I couldn’t sleep last night because I was worried about all the homeless people”. This started a discussion about how we can support and come together as a community to help aid the homeless of Ballarat.
A Story Park post was sent out to families and the Lucas Kindergarten Soup Bus Drive began.
Families have dug deep in these incredibly difficult times to help others in need. Lucas Woolies donated a large box of nonperishable foods to our cause.
Oliver, with the help of his dad, are going to take the donated goods down to the Soup Bus (when restrictions ease) and Oliver will be able to go for a tour through the bus, which he is incredibly excited for!
We would like to thank everyone who donated and for keeping community spirit alive!
Lucas Kinder Team